1. Asking Law When consumers buy goods in the store, they will mostly look around. At this time, the promoters must actively approach the interception, because at this time we need to judge which brand they are loyal consumers? It's still the first time to buy, so I'll first ask, "Hello! You're here to buy xx!" This is, she will definitely say we come to buy xx, or that I come to buy a certain brand of products ! Use inquiry methods to understand the real needs of consumers, so that the right medicine!

2. After the proposed law knows the needs of the consumer, we can do the next job for his needs. If she has been using a certain brand, then we can say: "Oh, that brand is also good, but our The product is based on what new features, advantages, etc., and we just have activities today, so I suggest that you buy this brand will be more cost-effective!

3. When empathetic thinking communicates with consumers, it is necessary to empathize and stand in their perspective to analyze them for more advantages. We can't just consider the issue from the perspective of our desire to sell products. To help them solve the problems in the use of conventional products, take milk powder as an example: Consumers say that children have diarrhea when they drink milk powder, we help them analyze the causes, identify the root causes; this time, consumers have a kind of concern The feeling is definitely very comfortable!

4, solve the problem to solve the consumer's problem, of course, can win the goodwill of consumers, many times, consumers know little about the product, especially food products, so I said above, to do a best Promoters should first learn to understand the product and the side to understand the status of the consumer's family; recommend frequency brands suitable for consumers to help them solve the problem!

5, As the consumer, the interest analysis method always has the idea of ​​wanting to occupy the price. Then we must satisfy them. When we introduce the product, we know that many times consumers always want more promotional items. Therefore, If the consumer is hesitant, she can say to her, "Okay, so be it, I think you are more sincere. We also want to pull you this customer. If you buy it now, what more will we give you and what will we give you? In this way, consumers feel that they have gained more benefits! Also: when the consumer purchases, she may be more cheaper than that brand, so this time, we can say: “We also know that the brand is cheap, However, many consumers have responded. What are the advantages of the brand? What are our strengths? Moreover, now you know that, even though the price is a little more expensive, our products are a bit more expensive, but many consumers are Think our brand is very trustworthy!

6, For example, some consumers, after analysis by promoters, are still skeptical about our company's products. At this time, our promoters can tell her: "I just bought 3 or 5 "." Or say: You see, this is the customer report I wrote. I just purchased 5 customers today. You can call and ask if we look at our products better. Because from a consumer's psychological point of view, when they are not assertive, they are more willing to believe what the people around her or the environment with her said, so we can come up with practical examples to let her see. Eliminate her psychological concerns!

7, help choose the law when the consumer is in the process of buying and not buying this choice, or do not know how much it needs, our promoters must immediately help her make the decision, we must not ask her : "Would you like it or not?" We must ask this question: “You need three or five, and then we must say that in fact, five are the best, because we have activities today, if we want five, we can send you some gifts!” According to my experience, when consumers hear this, they seldom say no. She will continue to ask us questions without asking. How much? Or how many are the right people to ask her to come with? At this time, she has already decided to buy it, but there is not enough reason to persuade her. Therefore, we help her choose the best promotion method!

8. Pretending to lose money When a consumer has an intention to purchase, sometimes she just wants to have something more, or feel that the price is inappropriate. In order to prompt her to buy, our promoters can say: " You say that price is really not worth, yesterday sold a higher price than you, the result went back to the company to lose money, and I quarreled, if you really want, I can only say to give you a little more gifts , This is still secretly sent to you, let the leader know, and certainly noisy me! If the promoters say so, consumers first feel that they have psychologically accounted for the cheap, and second, we will feel that our promotion is not easy!

9, the time limit method Some consumers in the purchase of things, there is a kind of love dragging behind the habit, but she actually wanted to buy, this time, she may ask: "you do engage in activities tomorrow?" If consumers ask such questions, they will explain two issues. First, the money they bring today may not be too many. Second, she thinks that if she does tomorrow, she will buy it tomorrow. This is what our promoters should say. It will not be done tomorrow. One day, or saying, "This is not accurate. We are based on the company's arrangements. However, we are all a day's worth of time, so you still have to buy a better deal today. Should you not come tomorrow, do you miss this opportunity? "? In fact, this trick is based on those who sell clothes to learn, we can be anywhere in the market, outside the clothing store has a big banner ad: "The last day big sale! If you look tomorrow, the day after tomorrow Look at that sentence!

10, to say that selling is good. Some consumers may observe it for a while before making a decision. When she wants to buy, she may say, “I’m here to see, and you haven’t sold much. Or that it is not selling well." This is why our promoters must be wary of her intentions of saying this, which means that you want to make sure that you are selling well. If the promoter does not understand what she is saying and thinks it is not selling well, then this The pen business is definitely over; when the consumer says that, we have to answer it with a twist: "In fact, it's true that selling here is not as good as a certain brand, but besides that brand, we sell the best, or say, sell it. Can not say the best, our shop is a month is twenty thousand or so, then most consumers think again, one month to sell twenty thousand, in fact, quite a lot; or that sold one day yesterday more than 6,000 yuan yesterday she was not in If you want to say how much to sell, how much do you sell? This is also a kind of dyeing!

11, Suppose the transaction method some consumers, and I very much want to buy our milk powder, but always afraid to buy expensive than others, always saying that the price is still a bit high, this time, if we say that the price is unlikely to change, In order to comfort her psychology, we can say to consumers that the price I have been saying is already the lowest. If you don’t believe that you look at our report, it’s all about the price. You first say whether you want it or not. She’ll definitely say It’s just that the price is a bit higher. At this time, we’re the promoters then say, “If you buy it, then that’s it. I’m asking our leader to see if it’s okay. If he says it’s the price, then I’m not The method helped you, and then turned to pretend to call, and finally gave her the leader said: "This price is already the lowest price, then I can't help you. If the sale is low, I will draw less money. ; Finally, the topic will be said: "You quickly buy it, are the same price, we can not say lie to you alone!"