How are precious diamonds of different colors trained? Life is more vivid because of the colors, and the world of diamonds is no exception. Thanks to the "unexpected" frequent changes in the internal micro-elements that have been given to the growth of diamonds, there are so many colorful colors. Give us extremely rare and colorful diamonds.

Black Diamond Black Diamond is black because the inclusions or impurities inside the diamond are too dense and the light cannot penetrate. Although the vast majority of black diamonds cannot usually be used as gem-quality diamonds, if they are of high quality, not doped, black diamonds with luster and brilliance in black can still be crowned as precious gemstones because of their uniqueness.

Yellow Diamonds When the nitrogen atoms in a diamond replace some of the carbon atoms in the crystal, the diamond appears yellow because it begins to absorb blue and violet light. Yellow diamond is also known as "golden diamond", usually light yellow, gold, yellow or amber, is the most common color of colored diamonds, especially the most precious and rare golden yellow, commonly known as "Canary Yellow" For the top grade. The Tiffany is famous for its golden color.

Blue diamonds generally exhibit clear blue, blue to dark blue transparent diamonds, of which the dark blue is the best. Unlike all diamonds of other colors, blue diamonds contain “boron” trace elements during the formation process and are electrically conductive. Blue diamonds often have a gray or black color. If the crystals contain nitrogen impurities, blue diamonds often appear blue-green or blue-green. Dark blue diamonds are exceptionally rare, and therefore are rare treasures. The South African Premier Mine is its main source.

The color of pink diamonds is also caused by distortion of the lattice. The lighter pink or rose color is both fresh and elegant, yet brilliant and shining. It is loved because it is reminiscent of romantic love. When the king of Iran Pahlavi married in 1958, a giant pink diamond called "The Eye of Light" weighing about 60 carats was set in the crown.

The red diamond is usually a pink to bright red transparent diamond, which is produced by the distortion of the lattice structure during the diamond formation. The red blood is especially rare and rich in blood. Only one level is Fancy Red, there is no division of Fancy Intense, Vivid, Light Red.

Green diamonds are rare and natural greens are rare. The reason for this is that the conditions for the formation of green diamonds are more complex and demanding. It is well known that the formation of diamonds requires a high temperature and high pressure environment, while natural green diamonds generally only undergo natural radiation without a high temperature process, and even though the natural high temperature process may take a short time, or the temperature is low enough to change the color of the diamond. The vast majority of natural green diamonds contain high levels of "nitrogen". Most of them are green to light green, but because the color is usually only on the surface of the diamond, it is difficult to have a particularly bright color. Among them, the value of bright green and even shades is the most insignificant.

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