Ben Wang News, January 07: Because of female physical characteristics and physiological characteristics, the chance of developing back pain is much greater than that of men.

Menstrual periods, childbirth, etc. will damage kidney qi, therefore, women should always pay attention to the warmth of the waist. Especially on the eve of menstruation, walking or doing other moderate exercise will make you more comfortable during menstruation. During the confinement period, long clothes should be worn to protect the waist so as to avoid back pain during the confinement. In addition, women must be particularly good at contraception. Abortion is more likely to cause inflammation of the kidneys. Do not wear shoes that are too high, and it is easy to increase the fatigue of the waist. If you stand for a long time, walkers should wear as little as possible. At the same time, low-waisted pants should not be worn during the physical and breastfeeding periods.

Preventive care for pregnant women with low back pain. Should be for the cause of treatment. In the case of pelvic inflammatory disease, antibiotics are used to relieve inflammation. If the uterus leans back, you can take a knee and chest treatment in bed. 2 times a day, about 20 minutes each time, until the back pain relieved. Painful lower limbs can be supplemented with calcium tablets. During the onset of spasms, the lower limbs are straightened and the gastrocnemius muscles are strained. The spasms often quickly disappear. Mild edema of the lower extremities should rest in bed, take a lateral position during sleep, and raise the lower limbs slightly. Disc herniation is absolutely bed rest.

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