There are hot events happening every day, and there are always some that will become the focus of the public. As marketers, they need to understand how to adapt to the environment and to use their “hot events” to create momentum. There is a good saying that “I am in when major events occur”, which will save a lot of energy and costs. In the face of news hot events, it is a great opportunity for big companies to create brands. Their funds are relatively strong. Many small and medium-sized enterprises give up such opportunities. They often think that they have more than enough energy. But in fact, marketing opportunities are everywhere. The key lies in whether or not we can find new ways, or even a bit of a whimsy, personalized marketing strategy, as long as the proper methods and clever ideas, the effect will not be inferior to those funds. Large companies existed.

So how to use events to conduct marketing? In fact, we have looked at the marketing of the previous Pirates of the Dream and the marketing of “Let’s fly”. It is not difficult for us to find that appropriate reference to current social hotspots and the grafting of brand activities can have a multiplier effect. , Here I will use a wonderful case to analyze the five principles and methods of “hot marketing” for everyone:

A classic news hotspot marketing case analysis US President Bill Clinton once took the first lady Hillary to Japan for a state visit. During the trip, she arranged for Hillary to give a speech to Tokyo Metropolitan University. The speech was also in an open space due to the greater winds of the day. Held in the speech, Hillary was often dressed in a windy skirt during the speech. Many people took pictures on the scene. One of them was found washing one of the photos, and one of them could clearly see the first lady's underwear. .

This will undoubtedly be a news hot spot, but how to use this news to obtain greater value is the next most important issue. Because if the news hot events can not be effectively grafted with their own products, they lose the value of marketing. In other words, only the underwear worn by the First Lady of the United States is the product of her own company. This photograph can produce value.

At that time, the person who took this photo was named Jiro Ueda. He immediately contacted a domestic manufacturer of underwear, Miki, and asked him for a manufacturer's LOGO. Through technical processing, the LOGO was subtly printed on the photo, and then one overnight. The title was: "The first lady's spring leaked, precious underwear loves Miki," and the news was published on the front page every other day. The major newspapers, magazines, and television broadcast media rushed to broadcast the news. Hillary Spring leaked and The news of Miki's underwear spread rapidly throughout Japan. This series of incidents has naturally become a hot topic for people to talk about. Such clever event levers immediately established the intrinsic link between the originally unnamed Miki underwear brand and the First Lady of the United States. This is equivalent to asking the first lady to make a brand. Image endorsement, but it is completely free!

When Hillary saw this report, she could only be angry and had nowhere to get angry. She knows that this picture is true and Miki's underwear is false. It is the intention of the Miki factory to use its own commercial hype. Although the heart is extremely hot, no judicial proceedings have been filed because she and her officials know very well that if they want to The pursuit of things, I am afraid will be even more people, because such events are more and more black and white news will be more noisy, the more the more, which is no good for their own but it is more to the manufacturers of Miki Commercial interests. The First Lady therefore had to let it go. Miki's underwear was also famous for its marketing turmoil created by its relationship with the first lady and sold well in Japan.

First, there must be "events" that the public can participate in.

Why can Super Girls make a sensation in the country because nearly one-third of the people in the country are watching, many are interacting with each other through the thumb, and some mobilize relatives and friends. In fact, the public also entertains themselves when they entertain themselves. Therefore, if hotspot marketing is to have a significant effect, first there must be public participation. Under this premise, if you can well plan and use an event to stimulate people's curiosity, marketers will receive good marketing results.

For example, during the time when Xie Yalong's ups and downs broke new ground, Lenovo launched a topic of “If you want to have fun even if Xie Yalong doesn’t go to school” under a classmate Xie Yalong’s related class news on a portal website, you can see it after opening it. Lenovo Ideapad - New video content for video ads. The advertising content in the form of this title file received 110,000 hits on the same day and the number of replies reached more than 2,000.

For news hotspot marketing, the greater the scope of influence, the better the natural effect will be. Often the main reason for marketing failure is the lack of public participation, which means that planning the main event of marketing does not have enough influence and attractiveness. The so-called hot events are events that have occurred recently that have a certain influence and can attract people to pay attention to the search and have a certain extent and representative significance. Baidu's explanations include the following four points: 1. The prosperous metaphor of things that attract attention; 2. The things that attract many people; 3. The audiences who describe the things that people care about and welcome; 4. The metaphor of fashionable quotes People's attention or attraction. No matter what the interpretation is, it contains the attraction element. It can be seen that attracting people is a major feature of hot events.

Second, to make news hot spots more marketing value, we must learn to effectively "graft"

Every day there are big and small events happening in the society. Everything can become news. It depends on the exquisite news of the observers. A successful news event marketing sometimes requires opportunities, but more important is observation and imagination. After finding the news hot spot, the most important issue is how to embed the company and products or concepts into the news, and it is best to embed it without any marks. In order to achieve the effect of propagation.

Melatonin was more successful at this point. At that time, cloning technology was a hot topic of news that was stirred up by everybody. Melatonin cleverly used this news point and embedded melatonin technology cleverly and wrote Biotechnology. The two major breakthroughs in this article compare the brain platinum technology and cloning technology. Because of its cleverness, it was misunderstood as news by many people when it was just published. The dissemination effect was quite good, and even appeared as a reprint of the full text of science and technology news by other newspapers. It can be said to have played an unexpected communication effect.

Third, to find out about the excitement of communication and interact with followers. Let's take a look at how the major portals interact during the 2008 World Cup. Sina ingenuity, the use of "surrounding the World Cup" to attract more attention of users, tens of thousands of microblogging real-time comments, refreshed 24 hours a day, unusually hot. The Dongfeng Nissan launch of the World Cup theme can be described as unique. They selected eight players from 32 fans and after nearly fierce “fierce fighting”, the two players came to the fore to become the “super fans” of the World Cup in South Africa. The two men will receive a monthly salary of 100,000 yuan, which can be described as "the most bullish reporter in history." The monthly salary of 100,000 yuan has become the gimmick of this marketing event. No matter how people comment, at least let the people know and remember this car brand. This kind of marketing tactics has a deeper significance in improving brand awareness.

At the same time, many incidents need to be carefully planned and implemented. Event marketing planning must be closely linked to its own promotional purposes. Some big events can always arouse social attention and public interest, as long as we find a suitable entry point, skillfully combine companies, products and events, and then try to allow consumers to participate spontaneously to communicate and create events beyond the event. Real value. Practice has proven that a marketing approach that can attract consumers to participate in interactions often yields better returns.

Fourth, news hotspots are time-limited, so only integrating various resources within a short period of time can produce the greatest lethality.

Another issue worth considering is that the duration of general news hotspots will not be long, and timeliness is also a barrier to news hotspots. After this period of time, the degree of concern will generally decline.

For example, during the Wenchuan earthquake, many companies donated money to donate something. No one had moved except on the next day’s newspaper or television. Can this be called news marketing? We respect the selfless dedication of these entrepreneurs, but from the perspective of marketing can not be said to be a failure. However, Wang Laoji made use of this donation of billions of dollars to hype the news, making the Wang Lao Ji brand a household name, and it has achieved Wang Laoji's reputation. At the same time, Wang Lao Ji’s sales volume has also been climbing.

Among the many donors, Wang Laoji donated 100 million yuan, but as many as he donated, or donated more companies than him. But why only Wong Lo Kat's influence is the most successful? To know that news is not hype, there is no value. Many companies have done public welfare, and even the public does not know. So what did Wong Lo Kat do? First of all, Wang Laoji integrated the patriotic wishes of consumers; second, Wang Laoji integrated current hot topics of the time, namely, seismic events; once again, Wang Laoji integrated major media resources, and promoted free resources such as forum resources and online news. At that time, there was a popular saying: Donate to donate one billion, and drink and drink Wang Laoji. Because of this, through the social activities of the time and the promotion of online media, Wang Laoji exchanged 100 million yuan in donations for at least 10 billion yuan to achieve the advertising effect. Wang Laoji made great profits through the news marketing of the Sichuan earthquake. Return.

Fifth, marketing planning is a scarce resource for developing hot news events in different stages of marketing strategies and programs. This requires companies to carry out sub-round communications in the implementation of news event marketing, even if it is a small event, in order to achieve maximum marketing. In today's media audience segmentation, companies can develop different news directions according to different media, and conduct news infiltration at different levels and in different time periods, so that corporate brands can get the longest and largest scale in a news event. At the same time, when companies launch marketing activities based on news hotspots, they must pay attention to communication with the media. This will demonstrate to the media the company's rapid and powerful brand execution capabilities, thus showing the company's active image through the media.

Any event marketing plan is a double-edged sword. Successful event marketing can often attract the attention of many consumers at a low cost, quickly enhance the corporate image, and expand the brand's visibility and reputation. Bringing irreparable negative influence to the company Therefore, when the company conducts event marketing, it should pay attention to risk prediction and control.

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