First look at materials and colors: jade appreciation first look at materials, high quality jade material is essential for a jade. Taishan jade is a kind of high-quality serpentine jade. The texture is delicate and warm, and the color is bright. It is characterized by micro-transparency and semi-transparency. At the same time, it is rich in minerals, and the more substances, the more valuable. Consumers should beware of many foreign jade that are completely transparent and lacking inclusions, posing as Taishan jade. In terms of color, the dark green Taishan jade green contains black, black and green, and the blue is like the sea. It is the characteristic of the finest mountain and jade.

The second identification of the pattern decoration: the shape is the basis of the jade aesthetic, but also an important factor in determining the value of jade collection. The shape is determined by the jade function and the shape of the jade, and the proportional trade-offs should be appropriate. Generally speaking, the shape is well-proportioned and not dull. Balanced and stable is a beautiful work; decoration depends on the structure, rules, complexity, and density, and the structure is well-organized.

Since ancient times, Mount Tai has been regarded as a symbol of long-term career, prosperous career, prosperous government, and happy family prosperity. Before the Qin and Han Dynasties, Taishan Stone was already known as Huaxia. The Taishan jade axe in the Dawenkou culture period 5,000 years ago is the earliest artificially carved Taishan jade product. Taishan stone is a god stone, Taishan jade is the essence of Taishan stone. Taishan jade culture is closely related to Taishan, and it is studied and explored by people. Taishan jade is favored by the majority of jade collectors for its unique deep dark green and delicate texture.

Art is the highest state that every jade is pursuing. The more vivid the work, the more the works of both form and spirit are more collectible. On the contrary, the craftsmanship is poor, the art is inferior, and the works of the ancients are much less appreciated.

The quality evaluation of Taishan jade mainly depends on factors such as texture, color, purity, processing technology and blockiness. Jade is different from gemstones. These characteristics can be evaluated through your careful observation. In the face of the current Taishan jade in the market, it is recommended that you browse the jewellery and jade shop and compare it carefully. You will not only appreciate the beautiful jade, but also the appreciation of the jewellery and jade. There is a pair of eye-catching eyes, I believe that you can recognize at a glance which is the crystal clear, green like Xiahe's Taishan jasper, which is the fine texture, black and white Taishan ink jade.

Taishan jade classification

Taishan Moyu: The texture is fine, the color is black and crystal, opaque, and it is mostly used for processing large pieces of crafts.

Taishan jasper: The texture is crystal clear and moist, the oil to the glass is lustrous, the green light is green and green under natural light, the light is like Xiahe, with grass green, dark green, dark green and other colors, especially green.

Taishan Cuiye Jade: Also known as Baiyun Jade, the color is as clean as snow, and there is a light green pattern.

Taishan rosewood jade, also known as ruby, Sanhe jade, jade red, purple, less common.

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