Sleeping, sleeping well, is the essence of our body, insist on developing seven small habits before going to bed, not only can solve various sleep problems, no longer worry about sleeping well, but also help you delay aging. Let's take a look at how experts explain this.

Hot water soaking feet are the farthest part from the heart. It is not easy to get oxygen and blood. It is better to use warm blisters to soak your feet before going to bed. It is good for promoting blood circulation and accelerating metabolism. If you can develop the habit of washing your feet and warming your feet and toes with warm water (40°C-50°C) before going to bed every day, you can promote the operation of blood and spleen. For the elderly, it is more effective for rickets and fitness.

Drinking a cup of honey and milk in ancient times, such a saying: "Chaochao salt soup, girlfriends." That is to say, drink salt water early, drink honey water in the evening. According to research by foreign medical experts, milk contains tryptophan that promotes sleep. Drinking a cup of honey before going to bed can help sleep. Honey helps maintain blood sugar balance throughout the night, thus avoiding early waking.

Warm hot milk can make the stomach congestive and promote the absorption of tryptophan. After adding sugar, tryptophan can pass the blood-brain barrier and let the brain receive signs of relaxation and sleep. Therefore, hot sweet milk is called "effective hypnotic", while light milk and yogurt help the sleep effect is not good. Experts believe that it is best to drink milk about half an hour before going to bed. However, this method is only suitable for people who are underweight or normal, and is not suitable for obese and overweight people.

Warm water wash your face before going to bed is more important than morning. Because there is radiation everywhere in life, the radiation particles will stay on the surface of our skin. Washing your face before going to bed can wash these radiation particles and some dust to protect the skin clean and make sleep comfortable and relaxing.

Why not use hot water at low temperatures, after washing your face with hot water, too much temperature change will cause microvascular rupture; hot water wash will make the already dry skin evaporate more moisture and promote oil decomposition. Washing your face with warm water can promote the skin to absorb moisture, increase skin elasticity and luster, and improve skin resistance.

There are many acupuncture points on the head of the five-finger comb, which can be massaged and stimulated by combing. Before going to bed with a double finger comb to the scalp fever, can clear the blood flow to the head, improve brain thinking and memory, promote hair root nutrition, reduce hair loss, eliminate brain fatigue, and fall asleep.

Finger combing method First, comb the hair with a comb, starting from the forehead, combing from top to bottom, the force is moderate.

Then use your fingers to gently massage the scalp, use your fingers to comb the roots of the ears, the roots of the neck and the roots of the forehead to the top of the head, and then focus on the top of the head. Repeated 30 times or more, and felt the scalp.

This kind of action can help clear the blood of the brain and get enough oxygen in the brain. Thereby achieving the effects of improving memory, protecting hair roots, consolidating hair follicles, and eliminating brain fatigue.

It should be noted that the MM with long nails should be noted, the hand should be gentle, do not use the nails to scalp, try to close the scalp with the palm of your hand and massage the scalp with your fingertips.

Walking for 15 minutes in a meditation walk for 15 minutes before going to bed, will make the blood flow down, and circulate to the body surface, not only accelerate sleep, but the skin can be maintained after falling asleep.

Open the window to keep the air in the bedroom fresh, when the wind is big or cold, you can open it for a while, then turn it off before going to bed, keep the room temperature at 18 °C - 20 °C, which helps to sleep sweet. Be careful not to use the hood when you sleep.

Good mood before going to bed, good mood before going to bed, can sleep more quickly, and improve the quality of sleep, the way to maintain a good mood varies from person to person, you can listen to your favorite songs, recall the past happy past, etc. The most important thing is not Think about any troubles.

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